Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Make a Handkerchief from Scrap Fabric

Handkerchief made from scrap fabric
I love handkerchiefs and I always carry one in my purse, one in my pocket, one in my briefcase .... you get the idea. My kids also like handkerchiefs, but often forget to carry them. Hence, the need for multiple handkerchiefs in multiple places. I need lots of handkerchiefs. My handkerchiefs get lost. They hide in pockets of coats, clothes and purses-- only to be found a season later. Making handkerchiefs is a great way to take advantage of scrap fabric and to refashion old, torn or stained clothes.

Fabric scissors
Rotary cutter
24 x 36 self healing mat
6 x24 quilting ruler
Embroidery scissors
Sewing Machine or Serger (optional)

scrap fabric in cotton or linen or 1 cotton or linen shirt
Serger thread or sewing thread

Cut fabric
Step 1
Measure the fabric using a ruler to check for size. Use scissors or a rotary cutter and mat to cut a piece of fabric from the back of the reclaimed shirt. Cut an 11-3/4 x 11-3/4 inch square for a ladies' handkerchief or 16x16 inch square for a mens' handkerchief.

I have no credible answer as to why handkerchief sizes are different for mean and women, but industry standard does dictate different sizes. In my house, we use handkerchiefs interchangeable and make most the larger size designed for men when making handkerchiefs for our personal use. Only when we make gifts do we conform to industry standards, since size may matter to the gift recipient. LOL

The fabric pictured was cut from an old sheet, but any scrap fabric can be used whether from leftover sewing projects or reclaimed fabric from old clothes, sheets or other sources. Old clothes and sheets are great for making handkercheifs as the fabric tends to be quite soft.

Step 2
Hem the edges
Hem the edges. We used a serger to create a three thread, rolled hem edge, but you can use a sewing machine and a hemmer foot to create a similar look or you can hand sew the edge after double folding the edges.

Step 3
Trim threads using embroidery scissors.

Further Reading
Decorate a Handkerchief
Make a Machine Embroidered Handkerchief

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